The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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Cleveland, Ohio

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THE PLAIN DEALER RIDAY JUNE 28 1968 Marine News 0 once Wadsworth School Board Sued for Sick Leave Pay On the aterfront Home Units for Seniors Jr Set to Open US Deaths irB Dividends in 50s Partly cloudy and Sun cm 8 30 western hemisphere ORECAST MacDermott Ray and Henes chairmen of the Amerlcon American American StsoR Unk 710 6 28 Wittenberg Ups Tuition Room Rates Mazatlan LosMochls Calgorv DC Edmonton Montreal Ottawo Regina pe Toron to pc Winnlpeo cy Vancouver pc Anchorage pc alrbonks cy Juneau cv Honolulu PG 79 64 79 77 63 81 75 66 86 82 58 65 68 94 71 65 65 102 7C 108 76 61 68 91 88 94 93 70 Wilson US Steel Republic 266 254 25934 26534 86 85 83 90 102 90 72 97 88 88 88 86 91 90 75 76 77 75 75 77 55 70 79 75 79 75 77 73 56 51 57 54 56 54 53 54 50 49 41 73 Genevo pc London cy Malta cv Moscow pa Oslo pc Rome Sofia pc Stockholm pc Tel Aviv Vienna pc 98 48 11 23275 335 1478 A crJ 5 ow 266 266A 259 255 259 265 Sales Take Bounce Close 46 42S 46575 Auto Rental NEW YORK (A1) Spartans Industries Inc has reached an agreement licensing VTR Inc to operate auto rental centers at E' Korvette De partment stores The 45 store Korvette chain is a Spartans division 263 257 255V 2583 262V5I 264 WADSWORTH A Wads worth widow who was off work for six weeks to nurse her dy ing husband has asked a judge to order her employer the Wadsworth Board of Educa tion to pay her for the time she was absent In a petition filed in Medina County Common Pleas Court Mrs Pearl Birkbeck alleges 264 264 258 25514 259 262 264 that the school board paid her only five days sick leave al though she had accumulated 90 days sick leave THE PETITION states Mrs Birkbeck a nonteaching em ploye started working for the board in 1961 In 1966 her late husband Robert had a heart attack and she had to stay at home to nurse him He died a few weeks later The board had established a maximum period of five days sick leave when they had to be absent because of illness or death among immediate family members the petition added Mrs Birkbeck contends she was deprived of a statutory hearing because of the policy and asked the court to over rule the decision AM 5:30 6:00 8:00 10:00 11:30 PM 1:30 1:30 2:00 2:30 Johnson Paranv ord Steelton Tletien Sterling Coulby Yankcanuck Lawson the fa 263 263 257 255 2583k 262 264 AM 2:40 3:35 5:10 5:55 6:20 6:25 7:45 10:35 12:50 PM 1:35 2:05 2:10 1 2:30 Acapulco pg Bolboa cv Bermuda oc Havana cv Hermosillo Klngston pc Max Citv cv Monterrev Nassau cy SJuanPR cy St Kltts pc pa Ve ocruz Cullacan C'os 1500 7575 220 SI 37 Dola from US WEATHER SUREAU ESSA 7 15 I 7 12 710 7 5 7 19 7 12 8 15 7 19 8 1 7 15 9 9 8 30 8 1 7 17 8 15 7 10 7 15 7 19 7 15 7 19 7 10 8 14 8 26 8 1 7 31 7 29 8 1 7 15 8 1 8 9 9 3 8 2 8 15 8 1 10 1 9 13 8 16 7 31 8 31 7 31 7 29 8 1 7 26 8 10 7 31 9 3 9 10 8 15 Thursday A Ah 1:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:30 10:00 8 1 7 15 1 Chance Seen for New Lake Iron Ore Port OBSERVERS in Canada believe the current strike on the Seaway was a factor in the decision on the proposal plant Unloading facilities on Lake Erie would permit Line Pickonds US steel Columbia i Boland Erie Sand Hamb Amer ederal Poseidon Transat Lake Transat Lake Arrived Cleared SAULT STE MARIE UP $To Lake Huron Ito Lake Michigan 62 75 53 104 72 76 70 90 46 from the upper lakes without passing through the Welland Canal The two steel works in Hamilton Stelco and Dofas co (Dominion oundry Steel Co) presently are shut off from waterborne supplies of iron ore by the strike on the St Lawrence Seaway and the Welland Canal Another factor in favor of the Nantico*ke site is the eli mination of lockage charges on the Welland Stelco recent ly dedicated a new iron ore mine in the Lake Superior re gion to be operated by Pick ands Mather Co of Cleve land (Anna Marie Krueger Montevideo Maru ort Chamblv tUS Gypsum Crawford Pontiac tCalvin Ed itzgerald NONER THURSDAY: Sherwin Williams Co here reports record net sales of $304860508 for nine months ended May 31 up 8 from $282218285 a year earlier Before application of the new surtax net income in creased to $10950461 or $202 a share from $10143713 or $187 per share a year ago After the surtax net income was $10295461 or $190 a share Colin Baldwin president of the paint and chemical company forecasts the trend of sales and profit improve ment will continue into the fourth quarter the most im portant period in the com fiscal year Dock Uooer Cent urnace CBS 2 Internat'l Salt Breedings North North East AT 63 1 3 6 63 9 pm 64 1 Midnight 65 57 80 61 86 71 61 54 47 73 57 44 54 47 61 75 64 54 56 70 50 48 71 55 74 59 60 63 54 53 51 80 By RICHARD WIDMAN Lorain County Bureau WELLINGTON Beards are almost as long as neckties here as Wel rom Wire Reporti NEW YORK Hans Meyer 77 chairman of the New York investment bank ing firm of Warburg Co and a former diplomat died here yesterday KANSAS CITY Tom Col lins 69 a newspaperman who switched careers to become a widely known after dinner speaker died yesterday of disease By JOHN BEABER Plain Dealer Bureau AKRON A major step to ease the need for senior cit izen housing will be takenhere Monday when tenants begin moving irjto the Paul Belcher Apartments 12 story residential building of 199 suites Jack Saferstein executive director of the Akron Metro politan Housing Authority says the modernistic struc ture will house highway and urban renewal displacees elderly persons living in sub standard housing and others with family problems The $32 million building at 400 Locust Street is named for the senior vice president of the irst National Bank of Akron who has been the au only chairman Rents will be $39 a month for an efficiency suite $44 for a one bedroom apart ment $49 for a large one bedroom apartment and $54 for a two bedroom apartment SAERSTEIN said rents were set at rates that would meet annual costs of mainte nance and management of the building and to pay off 40 year bonds the authority sold to the general public to meet original operational costs only Another senior citizen build ing an 11 story tower of 213 units will be underway with in 90 days near inter section of Copley and Diagonal Roads in West Ak ron Other apartment build ings will be built later in north and east sections of the city according to Saferstein He said changes in federal law will permit the 213 unit tower to be built for less money through authorizing one contract with a general contractor for all construc tion rather than separate contracts with various con tractors Sole Stock 2617 78274 3350 150 Upper Cent urnac Lower Republic Little Rock 81 54 L' Angeles cy 72 62 Louisviue Memphis Miami T'J Midland Tex 95 Mllwaukee cv 60 MplsStPaul 70 N'w Orleans 87 New York 60 North Platte 88 OklahomaC' 87 Phlladelph' cv 65 pnoenix Plttsburph oc PortlandM cv PortlandO pc Raleiph oc Rapid Cltv Reno Richmond pc I Stprbij T'o cy 83 SaltL'kCitv 100 San Antonlo 88 SonDleoo cv 68 S'rancIsco 65 St Ste Marle 56 aearrie pc Shrevenort Sookane Tucson Washington SPRINGIELD UP) Tuition in Wittenberg Univer undergraduate college and school of music will be increased to $1860 for the 1969 70 school year and to $2 010 for 1970 71 president John Stauffer announced yester day Tuition for the coming year set two years ago will be $1710 Room and board charges for the coming year also will be increased The increase in room charges will amount to $30 a term raising the yearly cost to $480 The board in crease of $7 a term will raise that cost to $558 a year community of 4000 was known as Cheese There were 40 cheese factories operating here at the peak in 1878 The last closed in 1912 Mather AAidrilatAum Sprarrows Point 5:25 MCNamara Ziesing HochelagaNortonManchester city Nationality American American American American American German Liberian German rench German Tomlinson Beeghly AveryJ ReissBenson ord Reserve CarnahanNlcolet 26 28 30 32 32 German Village Tour Scheduled Buckeye Neighborhood Nationalities Civic Associa tion which hopes to turn its three square mile area into a German Village is sponsor ing a bus tour Sunday to Co lumbus The tour leaves at 9:30 am from Hernan Rehabilitation Institute 1101 Buckeye Road SE German village is a large area in midtown Co lumbus which has been re stored with private funds Interested persons may call Mrs John Palascics for res ervations at 721 5877 The $975 fee includes $2 for the tour and bus fare erbert Enterprise HollSherwin Det EdisonW WatsonWestdaleDavidson raserCarl uVoorheesCole Kerr Tex Brave Homer West Augvald Hutchinson rnn'Mnidd Cliffs victory Ashland Reiss Humphrey Morrow tChamplaln Algoralt Cadillac f'mtwin Diamond Alkali 2:25 UlllUlldUO Metal Prices NEW YORK 11 SPOT DH1K AATAL PRICES COPPER 42 cents 0 pound Con necticut Valiev Lead 13 cents a pound New York ZINC cents 0 pound Eost St Louis TIN 142 a pound New York GOLD 4105 per troy ounce New York SILVER 248 per trav ounce New York QUICKSILVER 50800 nominal per flask New York 86 91 70 71 63 58 85 69 78 65 66 75 60 88 By STEPHEN A BLOSSOM Marine Editor Prospects for a major new iron ore receiving port on Lake Erie are seen in the an nouncement earlier this week of the purchase by Stelco (Steel Co of Canada) of 5000 acres on the Canadian shore due north of Erie Pa The land is to be used for con struction of an integrated steel works to be done in several phases The blossom" first phase would be a flat rolled mill which together with the land would cost an estimated $100 million The second phase would be a hot strip mill costing about $135 million W' Scully board chair man of Stelco said his com 860 acre plant at Hamilton was becoming so cramped 'that expansion elsewhere had become neces sary The new site near Nanti co*ke Ont includes three miles of waterfront It is about 40 miles southwest of Hamilton 8 am 2 pm 8 pm ZVI 60 58 84 STATED pm pm 10275 1015 10 05 15 65 075 1625 125 J25 25 15 CAUGHT Wellington Village Council caught beardless is hauled off to jail by the police auxiliary The councilmen were released by the sesquicentennial celebratora alter buying shaving permits Bearded Men of Wellington Signal Passing of 150 Years Ludow Valve Moving to Ohio TROY NY OP) Ludow Rensselaer Valve Mfg Co Inc is moving its main operation to East Liverpool to become part of Banner Industries of Cleveland The company which has op erated here for 129 years em ploys 200 and has an annual payroll of $1 million Vice President Lee Ross an nounced that the brass foundry would remain in Troy and expand The foundry now employs 17 The move of the other op erations to Ohio is expected to be completed by the end of September One reason cited for the move was expense of building new cilities here CasA DenM Gun'r KMKotla 260 Meaford (Affleck Silver Bay ort William I Anderson iC WhiteSteinbrennerJean LDHoytArmstrong WELLINGTON was the home of artist Archibald Willard who painted the famous of and was an important way station on the ground in pre Civil War days Several homes had secret rooms in which fugitive slaves were hidden Spirek are co sesquicentennial program It will open tomorrow evening at the Lorain County airgrounds here with a dinner and choosing of a sesquicentennial queen Algorail Civriar lr Robinson 9:05 Helen tvanMcNamara Sloan Armco McKellar Reis Patton fj ReissDean Maida McGonagle Otto Reiss Taylor 12:30 LaKesneuWest Jean Schneider 2:55 Barom (sea level) Temp (ary bulb) Temp (wet bulb) Humidity (relative) TEMPERATURES 3 am 6 am 9 a Noon Highest temperature Thursday Lowest temperature Thursday Highest temp same date last year Lowest temp same date last year Normal temperature Mean temperature Dpfirit (mnpritur0i thi month Accum deficit temp since Jan 341 rtecoras mis uaie: 1944 1961 Total precio 24 hours ended 8 pm Total preclp this month to date Deficit preclp this month to date Deficit preclp since Jan 1 Total preclp since Jan 1 TODAY'S ALMANAC rise 5:56 om DST sets 9:05 Moon set 11:19 pm OREIGN Aberdeen pc Amsterdam Ankara oc Berlln pc Blrmingham Brussels cv Cairo Casablanca pc Copenhagen Dublin lingfon concludes prepara tions to celebrate its 150th anniversary tomorrow through July 6 ounded in 1818 this ort Henrv Austin airless SAULT Wednesday PM i (Kendrick 4:30 Aft 5:30 6:00 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 SOYBEANS Jul Aug Sep Nov Jan Mar AAni A osked nomlnal Great Lakes and SeaWav Cargo Ships In Cleveland June 27: Ship Beehlev Crawford Crispin Oglebav US Gypsum Sidnev Smith Naumburg West River Transontario Annemarla Krueger Scheduled for June 28: Kendrick Buffington Silver Bov Cleared June 27' Humphrey Upson Reiss Reiss Bros GreenS Sidney Smith Jr US Gypsum Crispin Oglebav Beehley Trimble West River Naumburg Cleve land Annemarla Krueger 2978 60 54 HOURS 6661 58 56 69 58 78 53 71 64 40 Pe Stkf Pay Rate Had Record able REGULAR a a Iron Ore Election A Marting president of Hanna Mining Co has been re elected board chairman of the American Iron Ore Assoc iation at a meeting in Her shey Pa John Dwyer execu tive vice president of Oglebay Norton Co is one of three newly elected directors Oth ers are Thompson vice president purchasing and traffic of National Steel Corp and Bennett president of Iron Ore Co of Canada Among 15 directors reelect ed were four Cleveland men: Carey executive vice president of Pickands Math er Co Dewey gen eral manager ore and lime stone operations of Republic Steel Corp Stuart Harri son president of Cleveland boats to deliver iron ore I Cliffs Iron Co and Marting Chicago Grain Previous Cloudy and Cool Information rom ESSA Weather Bureau at Cleveland Hopkins international Airport CLEVELAND Mostly cloudy cool today High in mid 60s low tonight in 50s air warmer tomorrow Probability of precipitation: 20 today 10 tonight Mostly cloudy and cool today High in 60s to low 70s low in 50s air rWllIjjr and cool tonight Mostly sunny and warmer tomorrow TEMPERATURES 55 64 81 72 57 64 89 79 57 55 I on 1 00 1OO DOWN Wednesday PM 3:20 4:05 4:30 5:10 5:15 5:40 5:45 A 15 Thursday AM 1:10 1:15 3:00 4:20 4:55 6:45 6:50 Toronto Stocks Soles Stock 405 3766 19990 935 8700 59 58 61 65 70 56 48 62 57 73 58 54 54 80 66 69 54 56 62 54 48 59 48 68 50 60 59 60 56 56 56 to 78 VlchlRj NATIONAL SUMMARY RAIN AND COOL temperatures con tinued over much of the country SCATTERED RAIN or showers covered the Northeast from Great Lakes to At antic Thundershower activity continued on the Southeast coast Sooratlc showers prevailed in the fair Northwest AIR CONDITIONS covered the middle of the natiion WEATHER SUNSHINE across the nation Scattered showers or thundershowers along the Atlantic and from Montana to Minnesota Cooling in Northwest and the South At lantic states Warming from southern Plains to Great Lakes TEMPERATURES IN OTHER CITIES Albany NY cv 62 99 Amarillo 98 Asnevuie Atlanta Rillinos rv Blrmingham 82 DismarcK Boise Boston cy Brownsville Ruffrilft rv BurlingfnVt cv 60 Lnsner ChTtonSC cv 93 ChTtnWV cv 74 CharlotteNC 86 unicago Clncinnatl cy ColumbusO Denver DesMolnes Detroit Duluth I argo 76 orf Worth pc 87 Great alls 82 Helena pc 84 Houston 88 Ind'n'polls cv 60 Jackson 84 cy 94 Kansas Cltv 80 Las Vegas 111 THURSDAY LOW 38 at Sioux alls THURSDAY HIGH 111 at Lai Vegas Nev and Buckeye Arli CHOCK ull Nut 18 Cook Electric 07S Crous Hlnd 25 Efficient Indu Corp 10 Eazor Express 125 Ebasco Industrie 50 Handy Harman 15 narr Airrea Hart Interphoto Corp Investor dgA Kollmorgen Co Macold Industrie Klnrrp rlfntifiC New Eng Nucleor 075 Normem roc isy Originala Inc Outlet Co Ronson Corp Schenlev Indust Transamerlca Cp llrle Rlriac Vulcan Materials 25 Western Pac RR 55 STOCK Crouse Hinds 10PO I ulnTAuinctrlfl (W) (w) A 3 for 2 stock split Reswrch Cottroll (z) A 3 for 1 tock spilt subject to approval INCREASED Rtsearch Cottrell 06 8 16 X9O igures Show High Temperatures Expected or Doytimo riday Wednesday PMStanley 6:00 Steinbrenner 7:00 Chicago Trader 9:30 Hlndmon 11:30 Schiller 11:30 Thursday AW1 1:00 4:00 4:30 STE MARIE DOWN 75 78 89 76 91 58 87 68 90 AM 7:35 7:50 3 9:20 9:45 9:55 10:15 10:20 10:25 10:35 10:35 11:20 12:00 12:30 PM 2:10 2:30 2:50 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Cloudy and cool today with light showers High in 60s low in 50s Partly cloudy and cool to night air and warmer tomorrow WEST Mostly cloudy with scattered show ers today High in 70s low warmer tomorrow METEOROLOGICAL DATA THURSDAY JUNE 27 1968 2974 67 59 54 DETROIT UP Wednesday PM 4:35 5:25 5:30 5:40 7:05 8:10 SO Thursday AM ort Chamblv 12:15 olk Jr 12:30 Senslbar 12:50 BMlil I IjfflML' IBM wiiiw 23 Passages Open High Low Close Close WHEAT Jul 126 126 126 126 126 Sep 130 131 130 130 131 Dec 137 137 136 137 137 Mar 141 142 141 142 142 May 144 144 144 144 144 CORN Jul 111 112 111 112 111 Seo 113 114 113 May 122 122 121 122 122 OATS Jul 70 71 69 70 70 Sep 65 66 65 66 o5 Dec 67 67 66 66 66 Mor 68 68 67 68 68 May 67 68 67 68 68 RYB Jul 111 111 110 110 111 Dec 117 117 116 116' 117 Mar 121 121 121 121 121 Moy 22 122 Berea Rites Are Set for John Simpson Services for John Simpson 67 retired Berea phar macist and former long time director of the Cuyahoga Coun ty Agricultural Society operators of the Cuyahoga County (Berea) air will be in the Baker funeral home 206 ront Street Berea at 1 pm tomorrow Masonic services will be in the funeral home at 7 pm today Mr Simpson died Wednesday in the Stoney Hill Nursing Home He was a member of the air board from 1930 to 1965 and for many years managed the concessions at the fair HE STARTED in the pharmacy business in his drugstore in 1927 and became owner of the business at his death He retired from business in 1963 He was a 32d degree Mason a member of Berea Masonic Lodge a charter member of the Riverside Golf Club and a member of the United Methodist Church of Berea Two brothers Thomas and Kermit and three sisters Mrs Ruth Trautman Mrs Olive Kuder and Helen survive Mr Simpson lived at 380 Beech Street Berea Sister Mary Ann Sister Mary Ann OSST a former teacher in Catholic elementary schools here and in Pennsylvania died Wednes day in Sunny Acres Hospital after a long illness She was 75 Sister Mary Ann a member of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity since 1923 had taught here at St Rocco and Mount Carmel Schools Since 1953 she had been assigned to our Lady of Lourdes Convent 21320 Euclid Avenue Euclid Services for the former Pia Cupini will be in the chapel of the convent at 9:30 am tomorrow She was born in Italy and came to the United States in 1905 Surviving are two sisters Mrs Baldini Scafidi and Sister Emma Cupini MP and four brothers Anselmo Augusto Lucio and Caesar Cupini Arthur Rowe Arthur Rowe 83 a retired supervisor for the former Erie Railroad died Wednesday in St Hospital He was a member of Newburgh Masonic Lodge and for many years was an elder at the Miles Avenue Church of Christ A son Dorsey four grandchildren and seven great grandchildren survive Mr Rowe lived at 15421 Hemlock Point Road Chagrin alls Masonic services will be at the Stroud funeral home 95 ranklin Street Chagrin alls at 8 pm today Minis terial services will be at the funeral home at 1 pm tomorrow rancis A Von Alt rancis A Von Alt who retired in 1966 as a supervisor in the collection department of East Ohio Gas Co died Tuesday in St John Hospital He was a member of the and 25 Year clubs of East Ohio and the Holy Name Society of St Vincent DePaul Catholic Church 13400 Lorain Avenue where ser vices will be at 9 am tomorrow His wife Mary daughters Mrs Arthur Sexton and Eileen a son Robert survive His home was at 3396 119th Street Stephen Ryan Dies Was City Official Services for Stephen A Ryan 77 a commissioner of fiscal control in the Cleveland Public Utilities Department from 1948 until he retired in 1954 will be at St Ann Catholic Church 2175 Coventry Road Cleveland Heights at 10 am to day Mr Ryan died Tuesday in the Pedone Nursing Center Mr Ryan an accountant and auditor was a state examiner from 1937 to 1940 He uncovered a scandal in city coal pur chases which resulted in the indictment Stephen A Ryan of a number of coal dealers and a city employe MR RYAN BECAME a special investigator in 1942 un der former Mayor rank Lausche and later an executive assistant to former Mayor Thomas A Burke A son Edward a grandson and two sisters survive Mr Ryan lived at 2555 Kenilworth Road Cleveland Heights His wife the former Helen Lally died in 1966 Joseph Ladanyi Joseph Ladanyi 74 owner and operator of Mt Auburn Dry Cleaners 3013 102d Street for the last 35 years died Wednesday in his home Surviving are his wife Helen sons Albert and Dr Dezso founder and president of Advanced Dynamics Inc now a division of Alco Standard Corp two brothers and two sisters His first wife the former Pauline Simon died last year Services will be at the irst Hungarian Reformed Church (Evangelical Reformed) 2856 Boulevard SE at 10 am tomorrow 4 1 Trooper Nabs Driver leeing With 1 1 Guns TOLEDO (JI A Detroit man who apparently bought Ohio Gives an Award to Godfrey COLUMBUS W) Enter tainer Arthur Godfrey visited the Statehouse yesterday and received a conservation award from Gov James A Rhodes and a rousing welcome from he All Ohio Youth Choir The 117 member choir sal uted Godfrey in the State louse rotunda with a special number Love You Ar In return Godfrey and Rhodes made immediate plans for the choir to be tap ed for airing next month over national radio show Rhodes and red Morr director of the state Depart ment of Natural Resources presented Godfrey a certifi cate of merit in recognition of his concern for the conser vation of America's natural resources 11 handguns here where gun registration is not required was arrested by Michigan state police yesterday follow ing a 100 mph automobile chase John Terry 33 was charged with fleeing from a police officer Police said Terry was driving from here to Detroit when he apparent ly spotted TropperJohn er cruiser They said Terry turned around and sped back toward Ohio with erguson in pur suit He was stopped near Erie Mich after a 15 minute chase The BI entered the inves tigation to determine whether Terry has a criminal record and whether he could be pros ecuted under a federal law barring interstate transpor tation of firearms by a felon Side Boy Is Drowned in Mentor A four year old East Side body drowned yesterday af ternoon in a lagoon in Men tor behind the home where he and his mother were visit ing The body of Christopher Minnillo son of Mrs Sally Minnillo 1158 61st Street was recovered by divers front the Lake County of fice at 6:55 pm about three hours after he was reported missing Sgt red Watson of th6 Mentor Police Department said that the boy somehow got over a concrete retaining wall and fell into the eight foot deep water Police said the drowning oc cured behind the home of Mrs Helen 8345 bor Drive Christopher Mrs only child had been wearing a life preserver earlier in the day but it was found dis carded in the back yard o( the home aft Names 52 to Rocky Committee jA Seth Taft named 52 civic political and business leaders' yesterday to a County Rockefeller for Presi dent Committee not a second said Taft 1967 GOP mayoral candidate The com7 goal is to citr zens convince their (convent tion) delegates to support Gov Among the 52 are Repub lican politicians such as con gressional nominees Wif liam Petro and Charles P' Lucas civic leaders such as" Mrs Duane Willis of th League of Women Voters andj businessmen such as Ingalls chairman of Pick 2 ands Mather Co and Irving I Stone president of Ameri can Greetings Corp TAT SAID Rockefeller arri expert in metropolitan prob lems the only Republican candidate who can carry thiP nation this fall If we have an open convention he will be Others named by Taft to committee are: Leonard I Abrams Raymond Arm ington Colin Baldwin Irene Ballnt Peter Boll Robert Bennett Keith 5 Benson Mrs Newell Bolton Virgil Brown Mrs Virgil Brown Lee A Chilcote Charles Clarke Milton Daus James Davis James' Dempsey Jr Rev Wil liam Downs George Enos Myron Glass Mrs Russell Goodman Phllmore Haber Mrs Paul Haggard Robert Hart Robert Hay John Hlldt Elton Hoyt III John Kellogg Dr Middleton Lambright Jack Lampl Jr Mrs Albert Levin Rev David Loegler Mrs Jon A Llndseth Alex Miller Herbert Moss David Myer Mrs Herbert A Mulkerln Al bert Ratner George Richman Leigh ton A Rosenthal Oliver Schroeder Jr James Shalala Mr James Shalala John Sherwin rances Taft Nelson Talbott William Treuhaft Ralph Vince and Edwin Weiner New Bridge in Mohican Is Tilting I LOUDONVILLE covered bridge being built Mohican State Park near here to recapture a bit of earljj Ohio may have to be torn down and begun again Engineers disclosed day that the steel framework for the 140 foot $125000 spait across the Clear ork RiveC has tilted A spokesman for the Ben ton Bridge Co of Woosteij said some temporary sup ports collapsed under weight of heavy steel beams Tht bridge is to have wooden sidj ing and a shingled roof 'The bridge was designed by the Ohio Highway Depart ment to replace a span tha had fallen into disrepair The model had attracted national attention 1 $3209 Donated i to NOW! und The CLEVELAND: NOW I treasury picked up anotheg $320998 yesterday from mer chants and school children Pupils at Oliver Wendell Holmes Elementary School? 625 105th Street sent May 1 or Carl Stokes a check foij $70998 The West Side Market House Tenants Association contributed $1500 and tha ruit and Vegetable Association gave $1000 to thq drive belonr i wffenitistime to remember ORECAST.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.