A single “I Voted Today” wristband rested on Susan Look Avery’s grave in Cave Hill Cemeteryin Louisville when I stopped by Tuesday morning.
Avery didn’t live to see women get the right to vote, but she dedicated the final years of her life to the suffragist movement.
Someone had left theirwristband behindto say "thank you."
There were similar signs of gratitude throughout Cave Hill Cemetery and Eastern Cemetery on Election Day. While ballots funneled into the polls, roughly 90people came to the graveyards to pay their respects to the 18or so local women who fought for voting equality at the turn of the 20th century.
This semi-new local tradition links back to a national phenomenon. Susan B. Anthony’s gravesite at Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, New York, has become a pilgrimage spot of sorts on the days that voters head to the polls.
I remember watching a livestream of the burial plotin 2016 when — love her or hate her —Hillary Clinton had the Democratic nomination and became the first woman to win the popular vote in the presidential election.
An estimated 8,000 to 12,000 people visited the site on Nov. 8, 2016, according to the Democrat & Chronicle, the daily newspaper in Rochester. By the time the day was over, her tombstone was a shrine of “I Voted” stickers and messages of appreciation.
Election Day:Follow along with us for live updates on everything you need to know
It's a practice that shows Anthony still inspires women nearly a century and a halfafter she was arrested for illegally casting a ballot for president in the 1872 election.
Today in Louisville, the only cuffing women get at the polls are with one of those “I Voted Today” wristbands. This year is the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote, andElection Day isa good day to remember that we have some local heroes in the suffragist movementhere, too.
My wristband was already in place when I pulled into Cave Hill Cemetery just after 10 a.m. at the invitation of the League of Women Voters, the Louisville Metro Office for Women andthe Frazier History Museum. They’d set up tributes to the suffragists, who were laid to rest between there and neighboring Eastern Cemetery.
Our crowdwas more modest than the thousands who came to see Anthony three years ago, but the notionwas no less sincere. About 10 of us boarded a bus for a free tour at 11 a.m., and for the next hour, we got a lesson in just how much time had passed since Susan Look Avery advocated for women in Louisville and someone placed that band on her tombstone this morning.
First, we rolled past worn graves in Eastern Cemetery where the dates and names were barely recognizable. I chatted with one couple about how they’d learned about the event through the Frazier’s Facebook page, andI thought about the alarm I’d set on my iPhone on Monday night reminding me to get to polls before going to work.
The women in these graves wouldn’t have needed a reminder. They’d have been ticking days off the calendar, anticipating the moment. They also would have known that the purple and gold streamers that decorated the welcome tent for the event were the colors of the American Suffragist Movement —and not Googled it hastily from the tour bus, as I may have donejust moments before.
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I felt better when Marsha Weinstein, the president of the National Collaborative for Women's History Sites, took the tour bus microphone andtalked about how she became involved in women’s history. She hadn’t learned any of it in school, she told us. So many of the women we were going to meet today aren’t remembered for their accomplishments.
“The more I researched, the madder I got,” she said.
Our first stop was a memorial for six women in unmarked graves, another sign of the times. Ellen Taylor, Linzie Crittenden, Cora De Sha Barnett, Lucretia Gibson, Maudellen Lanier and Georgia Moore had no headstones to call their own, but here they were remembered on a single cardboard sign that would garner dozens of signatures in gratitude as the day went on.
“Here lies a suffragist who was part of the unceasing, non-violent 72-year campaign to win women the right to vote,” it read.
Mollie Weisberg picked up a marker and signed her name to the poster.
She's asocial studies teacher at Westport Middle School who's out on child-rearing leave, and she wasthere with her friend Ellie Moser from San Diego, who’d traveled to Louisville to celebrate Weisberg’s 40th birthday.
When I asked them why they’d opted to come to cemetery in the middle of a birthday trip and after their morning yoga class, Weisberg told me about how she studied women before the suffragists while she was in college. She echoed what Weinstein had said about how women are missing from the history books.
There’s still so much history left to rewrite, she told me.
“It’s inspiring to know that women faced even greater odds than we do today,” Moser added. “We just have to keep fighting.”
When we returned to Cave Hill, we stopped at about half a dozen graves, and at each site, the guests in the tour group repeated the same ritual of signing their names in gratitude.
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I met historical actors who played Avery and Enid Yandell at their resting sites. Avery talked about how involved she and her daughters were in women’s organizations, and Enid recounted how difficult it was to be a female sculptor in her day.
But honestly, the best teaching moment I found in the whole morning came from two girls who didn’t even stand taller than my elbow.
A few feet away from Mary Parker Verhoeff’s burial site, I met Jen Adam, who had a fist full of those “I Voted Today” wristbands as she led her daughters —Lola Thompson, 11, and Iris Thompson, 8 —through the graveyard on foot.Adam had asked for extras when she went to the polls that morning.
They talked about how on each Election Day,they host a “suffragette brunch,” and they recounted the night before when they’d made sashes.
“It’s hard for them to understand that there was a time where this wasn’t part of their rights,” Adam told me. “So we just try to make sure they know that it was fought for.”
Then I turned to the girls.
“It’s kind of like saying that you can’t vote because you have freckles,” Iris said.
Everyone within an earshot of me laughed at that simple wisdom.
And I thought about those wristbands and all those signatures that would gather at the graves throughout the day.
But perhaps the best “thank you” all the suffragists we visited could receive was the blatant logic laced with the sincere gratitude of an 8-year-old who still had a decade before she’d cast her own vote.
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Reach Maggie Menderskiat 502-582-7137 or mmenderski@courier-journal.com. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram@MaggieMenderski. Support strong local journalism by subscribing today:courier-journal.com/maggiem.
Suffragists' gravesites in Louisville
701 Baxter Ave.
Avery, Susan Look (1817-1915). Key leader in the suffrage movement. Co-founder of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association, the Louisville Equal Rights Association, and the Louisville Women’s Club. Section O, Lot 188, Grave 7.
Beeler, Emily P. (1860-1943). First principal of Knox Mission Kindergarten, a kindergarten for African American children sponsored by the Presbyterian Church. Section P, Lot 850, Grave 4.
Castleman, Alice Barbee (1843-1926). First vice president of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. A prominent member of the Louisville Women’s Club. Section O, Lot 95, Grave 5.
Castleman, Margaret Weissinger (1880-1945). Public figure who spoke on behalf of Louisville women. Second president of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Section 1, Lot 13, Grave 4.
Henning, Julia D. (1875-1961). Member of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. First president of the League of Women Voters of Louisville. Section 30, Lot 133, Grave 9.
Leech, Caroline (1850-1929). One of the earliest supporters of the suffrage movement in Louisville. Advocate for women’s suffrage at the national convention of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1914. Officer of the League of Women Voters. Section O, Lot 204, Grave 2.
Little, Eleanor Tarrant (1872-1917). Head Resident of Louisville’s Neighborhood House. Schoolteacher who worked tirelessly to improve education for all children, regardless of class or race. Section 29, Lot 14, Grave 1.
Mengel, Jennie Angell (1882 -1934). Advocate for education for girls. President of Louisville Woman Suffrage Association. Lobbyist for the 19th Amendment. Section 29, Lot 19, Grave 3.
Roach, Abby Meguire (1876-1966). Well-known poet who was honored in Contemporary American Women Poets by Henry Harrison. Author of “Poems for Our Time,” a regular column in The Courier Journal that ran for decades. Section 14, Lot 276.
Semple, Patty Blackburn (1853-1923). First president of the Woman’s Club of Louisville. Advocate for literacy among African Americans. Activist who encouraged African American women to register and vote at a time when many whites in the South argued against women’s suffrage on the basis that it would enable black women to vote. Section A, Lot 255.
Verhoeff, Carolyn Parker (1876-1975). Advocate for the College Club, an organization devoted to furthering women in education. Louisville delegate in the Kentucky Equal Rights Association convention. Participant in Chicago’s 1916 suffrage parade. Section F, Lot 491, Grave 9.
Verhoeff, Mary Parker (1872-1962). Advocate for educating the public about voting. Activist devoted to increased voter turnout. A geographer who researched the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. One of the few women employed in the field at that time. Section F, Lot 490, Grave 8.
Whiteside, Adelaide Schroeder (1869-1942). Principal employed in the Louisville public school system for many years. Founder of the first nursery school in the South. Early proponent of free kindergarten in Louisville. Co-founder of the committee that opened the city’s first public playground, located at Brook and Walnut Streets. Section Q, Lot 82, Grave 4.
Woerner, Emma J. (1876-1935). President of the Louisville Equal Rights Association. First principal of the J. M. Atherton School for Girls, now Atherton High School, which opened in 1924. Section 11, Lot 74, Grave 8.
Eastern Cemetary
641 Baxter Ave.
Givens, Fanny R. (1872-1947). President of the Baptist Women’s Missionary Convention. Art teacher in the Louisville Colored Schools. One of the first African American women to be hired by the Louisville Police Department.
Nugent, Alice (1890-1971). Teacher for many years in the Louisville Colored Schools. Active albeit less visible participant in many of the organizations her sister, Georgia, led. Activist on behalf of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association Scholarship Loan Fund.
Nugent, Georgia A. (1864-1940). First president of the Kentucky Association of Colored Women’s Clubs. Officer of the National Association of Colored Women. An educator who taught in the Louisville Colored Schools for over 40 years.
Steward, Mamie E. (1858-1930). Co-founder and longtime president of the Baptist Women’s Education Convention and the Kentucky Association of Colored Women’s Clubs. Officer of the National Association of Colored Women for many years.
SOURCE: The Frazier History Museum