Legacy Builders Program Review: Join Digital Growth Community? (2024)

Anna VanDem



16 min read


Apr 8, 2024

Did you know that the Digital Growth Community: Legacy Builders Program, created by Michele Oneil, completely redefines how to start an online business in 2024?

The unique approach of earning 100% profit on each sale is a total game-changer. This means you could make 2 to 3 times more money from the same amount of leads.

But how exactly does it work

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Legacy Builders Program Review: Join Digital Growth Community? (2)

What is Legacy Builders Program and How Does It Work?

The Legacy Builders Program is an educational toolkit designed to help you start, grow, and scale an online business. It focuses on earning income and creating a lasting impact by teaching participants to help others through a unique business model.

Key Features:

  • Profit Full Ownership: Keep 100% of the profits from each sale, with potential earnings up to $900 per transaction.
  • Resell Rights: Gain master resell rights, allowing you to sell the program to others who can also resell it, amplifying earning potential.
  • Community and Support: Join the Digital Growth Community to connect with fellow entrepreneurs, exchange ideas, and support each other’s growth.

How It Works:

  • Enrollment and Access: Sign up and access resources immediately, including the Launch Pad, Passive Daily Pay Blueprint, and Digital Mastery Program, each tailored for different business growth stages.
  • Training and Implementation: Learn through video lessons, live coaching, and interactive tools at your own pace. Apply these lessons to set up your digital business.
  • Earning Through Reselling: Leverage the program’s unique feature by reselling the training you’re learning. Master resell rights included with each purchase enable you to profit from direct sales.
  • Continuous Learning and Scaling: Keep learning and scaling your business with opportunities to upgrade to advanced modules and additional resources as you grow.

The Legacy Builders Program suits anyone eager to establish a significant online business with high earnings potential and substantial personal growth. It’s designed for those ready to fully commit to building a successful digital enterprise.

See details at https://www.profitwithanna.com/ready

Legacy Builders Program Review: Join Digital Growth Community? (3)

The Legacy Builders Program is Michele Oniel’s main event, packing all her other programs into one mega bundle. This includes gems like the Launch Pad, Passive Daily Blueprint, Digital Mastery, and, of course, Legacy Builders itself.

You could pick up each program piece by piece, and at the moment, there’s a cool option to upgrade within 30 days by just covering the cost difference. But, here’s the thing: Legacy Builders is the new kid on the block, and if you’re eyeing the current price tag, you might want to jump on it sooner rather than later. I’m not about that “act now or regret forever” sales pitch, but honestly, the value you’re getting could easily be tagged at over $4,000 compared to other systems out there.

Snagging the whole Legacy Builders Program will set you back $900, plus a one-time $29 admin fee, and then you’re golden. Let’s break down what you’re getting into:

Digital Growth Community — Launchpad $100

Diving into the Launch Pad isn’t just about getting a course; it’s your ticket into the Digital Growth Community, which alone is worth the entry fee.

This starter pack gives you the lowdown on:

  • Navigating the course’s ins and outs
  • Joining the digital tribe
  • Mastering the art of resell rights
  • Adopting a 2-hour workday mindset and making your first profit in just 7 days

Michele’s own journey saw her skyrocket from zero to $7,000 in one month, and then doubling that the next. Now, that’s not a promise you’ll do the same, but it’s proof of what’s possible when you’re all in. My own experience saw me ringing up my first sale on day two.

But the million-dollar question is, how do you start seeing profits in just a week?

Launch Pad’s got you covered with a step-by-step on setting up your operation:

  • Making the provided funnel your own
  • Hooking up a domain
  • Integrating payment gateways (bye-bye, waiting on affiliate checks)
  • Tying it all together, automating the process, and running tests

And here’s the kicker: besides a $10 domain name, there are no extra costs to get the ball rolling. Michele, who started as a single mom on a shoestring budget, is all about the hustle without the financial hassle.

You’ll get a funnel from Michele for zilch, Systeme.io won’t ask for a dime until you’re raking in the big bucks, and payment gateways only take their cut after you’ve made a sale.

Then comes the masterclass on free marketing, covering:

  • Social media mastery across TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube
  • The lost art of posting free ads that actually work
  • Building a genuine social media following without selling your soul

Just with this toolkit, you’re set to start making waves. And the real cherry on top? This program doesn’t push you to be a copycat or someone you’re not. You do you, because everyone else is already taken.

But wait, there’s more. The Passive Daily Pay Blueprint is where things really start heating up.

The Passive Daily Pay Blueprint $300

Alright, the Launch Pad is a great starting point, but if you’re itching to dive deeper into the online biz world and bag up to $300 a pop in sales, you’re going to want to cozy up with the Passive Daily Pay Blueprint. Fork over $300, and you get both the Launch Pad and this game-changer.

This blueprint isn’t just a step up from Launch Pad; it’s where you really start to fine-tune your biz radar to zero in on your dream customers. I know, I know, “ideal customer” might sound like marketing mumbo jumbo, and honestly, it took me a hot minute to wrap my head around it too. But here’s the deal: you can’t build a rock-solid biz on how-tos alone.

You could grab any top-shelf biz book right now, but without the know-how, understanding your role, and mastering the art of messaging, you’re going to hit a wall.

That’s where the Passive Daily Pay Blueprint comes in, offering nuggets of wisdom on:

  • Making the blueprint work for you
  • Hunting down that perfect customer
  • Crafting and sharing your unique story
  • Building a personal brand
  • Nailing social media in a way that’s effective and doesn’t need you to be Insta-famous

What makes the difference is how you do it. Take Michele, for instance; she gathered 1,000 TikTok followers in 60 days and raked in over $20,000, all without a single link in her bio. Meanwhile, I was sitting pretty with 10,000 Instagram followers and barely any sales before I jumped on the Legacy Builders train.

It’s all about quality over quantity.

Digital Mastery Program — $600

This bundle’s got the whole shebang: Launch Pad, Blueprint, and Digital Mastery.

So, I was on the hunt for a new program to sink my teeth into, and I noticed a lot of systems seem to run in circles, almost like they’re stuck in their own little world. And yeah, I touched on this earlier, how some setups let you resell or affiliate, turning the whole thing into a bit of an echo chamber.

But here’s my take: Legacy Builders doesn’t fall into that trap because:

  • It’s just you and the customer — no MLM-style tiers or kickbacks
  • Reselling doesn’t pad the pockets of the product creator or the person who sold it to you
  • Both Digital Mastery and the full-blown Legacy Builders Program aren’t just about peddling this course

Now, you could technically take Launchpad and Passive Daily Pay Blueprint and apply their lessons to any online venture for a win. But Digital Mastery? It’s all about affiliate marketing.

And sure, if you’ve been hanging on every word of this review (and kudos if you have, it’s a marathon), you’ll notice I’ve been pretty vocal about the downsides of affiliate marketing. But I’ve still got love for it and plan to keep it in my arsenal.

Digital Mastery’s mission? 6 Figures in 6 Months. Sounds life-changing, right?

The gist of it is scaling your Legacy Builders biz and branching out into additional income streams, like affiliate marketing. Here’s what’s packed into Digital Mastery:

  • The 6 Figures In 6 Months master plan
  • Strategies for building recurring income
  • Blending in affiliate marketing for extra cash flow and leads
  • Email marketing and list growth hacks
  • Tips to skyrocket your productivity

Digital Mastery isn’t about hawking every affiliate product under the sun. It’s about strategic partnerships and complementing your existing biz. Like, promoting a pal’s product in exchange for them spotlighting yours. And that growing email list from your Digital Growth efforts? Perfect for introducing other relevant offers to folks who passed on Legacy Builders.

That’s why it’s dubbed Digital Mastery — it’s about piecing together the puzzle for a potential 10x in earnings.

Legacy Builders Program $900

Yeah, the naming might have you doing a double-take. The top-tier $900 option and the overarching system both sport the “Legacy Builders” title. But that’s because this level gives you everything: Launch Pad, Blueprint, Mastery, and the grand finale, Legacy!

“Legacy Builders” has a nice ring to it, right? Finishing this program feels like you’re truly set to leave a mark. The idea of crafting an outstanding product and having all the marketing tools at your disposal is pretty sweet.

But here’s the kicker: you don’t have to dive into product creation unless you’re feeling it. By the time you reach this stage, you could be pulling in six, maybe even seven figures.

Still, the course walks you through every step of launching your own thing, covering:

  • Prepping your teaching materials, outlining, editing, and course setup
  • Crafting an offer people can’t resist
  • Planning your launch and mastering webinars
  • Scaling your products without piling on more work
  • Building a community around your offerings
  • Earning passively from your creations

Feeling pumped to take the leap?

Choosing the Right Digital Growth Community Product for You

Deciding on the right product from the Digital Growth Community is totally your call. But if you’re asking for my two cents, I’d say go for the full monty — the Legacy Builder Program. Why? Not just because I’d get a cool $900 from your purchase (which is pretty sweet, by the way), but it also saves you the headache of missing out on any commissions down the line.

Now, you might not be itching to whip up your own course right this second — and that’s totally fine, I’m in the same boat. But shelling out that extra $300 for Digital Mastery made sense to me, just to have the option in my back pocket.

Who knows? A spark of inspiration might hit you a month or a year from now, and you’ll want to launch your own thing. If that moment comes and you’re not fully equipped, you’d be kicking yourself for not having the complete toolkit. Plus, imagine someone in your network wants the $900 deal and you’ve only got the $600 version. Ouch, right?

Look, I’ve been singing praises about the Legacy Builder Program and the whole Digital Growth Community vibe. It’s a breath of fresh air in my decade-plus marketing journey. But let’s keep it 100 — no system is flawless. So, here’s the skinny on the potential cons:

  • You gotta buy in to sell (I’ll loop back to this in a sec).
  • It’s not your lazy Sunday affiliate marketing gig; this requires some muscle.
  • Remember, you’re setting up a business, so it’s gotta be tight.
  • You’ll need to fine-tune the provided site and funnel.
  • The email campaigns aren’t a copy-paste deal; they need your personal touch.
  • Being a new kid on the block, it’s got a few technical kinks.

But really, there’s not much to moan about. The main gist is this path needs a tad more effort than just tossing your affiliate link into the wild and hoping for the best. But for me, the upsides of reselling totally dwarf the bit of extra legwork involved.

You might be scratching your head, wondering, “Why do I need to own the product to sell it?”

I’ve been there, dodging products that required ownership for the longest time because the idea of “pay to play” just didn’t sit right with me.

But, flip the script for a sec. Would you really want someone hawking a product they’ve never touched or seen in action?

That’s why, for anything I endorse, I either snag a review copy or outright buy it. Diving into Legacy Builders was a no-brainer since I wanted to give it a real test drive.

Not owning what you’re promoting breeds distrust. On one end, you’ve got folks pushing a product for a quick buck without any real experience with it. On the flip side, there are those quick to cry “scam” or downplay it without ever giving it a whirl.

Both scenarios are sketchy and misleading, if you ask me. So, the requirement to buy in before selling doesn’t bug me much.

What does get under my skin is when programs force a hefty monthly fee on you, dangling high-ticket items with only a slice of the commission pie. But with Michele Oniel’s Legacy Builders, it’s a one-and-done $900, and you pocket 100% on resales. Just one sale at $900, and you’ve made your money back. Could be as quick as a week. How wild is that?

Ready to Jump In?

Let’s have a chat about Michele Oniel, the brain behind the Legacy Builders Program and the founder of the Digital Growth Community. None of this awesomeness would have happened without Michele Oniel. When I first caught wind of Michele’s journey from zero to $7,000 in her first month and then doubling that the next, I won’t lie, I was green with envy.

But here’s the kicker — it wasn’t just a stroke of beginner’s luck or some kind of superpower. Michele just gets it. She totally understands the vibes of folks hunting for a legit online biz because, not so long ago, she was in those very shoes, maybe even in a tougher spot.

Picture this:

  • Swamped in debt
  • Constantly wrestling with financial worries
  • Missing out on precious moments with her kids and grandkids
  • Stuck in survival mode
  • Desperately searching for that golden opportunity, but starting to lose faith

What sets Michele apart from other course creators is that her struggle wasn’t a lifetime ago. It’s still vivid in her memory. She remembers the grind, the hopes, and the setbacks. Unlike some big-shot gurus who might vaguely recall their tough times from two decades ago, Michele’s experience is raw and real.

Plus, she’s a certified grandma. How awesome is that? I mean, with all these young whippersnappers making it big, I was starting to feel a bit out of touch. But seeing Michele rock this space? It’s totally inspiring!

Feeling the vibe? Dive in with us!

While diving into Michele Oniel’s program, I noticed it doesn’t touch much on SEO or blogging. And that’s fair — climbing the Google ranks to a profitable blog spot usually takes months.

Michele’s all about the dash to the finish line — getting your offer out there to as many eager eyes as possible. That’s the secret sauce to her two-month leap to financial freedom.

But, what if I told you there’s a way to snag Google traffic almost instantly? Hitting those money-making keywords within just a day? Yep, it’s doable, and it’s part of my daily playbook.

Starting a blog from the ground up can be a slow burn, but there’s a shortcut. You can hitch a ride on the back of the big dogs and start pulling in cash in no time. And the best part? You can funnel all that juicy traffic right back to your site for even quicker gains.

I’m talking about launching not one, not two, but three additional income streams with Legacy Builders. Two of these will be fast-track sites that can draw in customers in under 24 hours, plus your own blog that’ll start raking in passive income in just 3 to 6 months.

So, here’s the deal — as a bonus from me, you’ll get the inside scoop on tripling your profits with these strategies. Think of it as a mini-course that could easily be worth a grand.

Now, I might’ve said I wasn’t too keen on creating a course, but as a bonus? It’s the perfect test run. It’s my chance to flex my product creation muscles, and you get to learn strategies that’ll soon go for a pretty penny.

This bonus is going to be a little project of mine, but until it’s ready to roll out, I’ve got something even better lined up. I’ll clue you in on the sources and even spearhead the campaigns for you.

Once this bad boy of a course is ready, everyone who’s on board, regardless of whether you’ve pitched in $100 or $900, will get their hands on it. But the “done-for-you” service kicks off at the $300 level, starting with one free campaign. Jump in at $600, and you’re looking at three free campaigns; at $900, you’ll score six.

So, what’s holding you back? Jump into the Digital Growth Community: Legacy Builders Program with both feet, and let’s skyrocket those sales together.

Ready to make a splash? Click here and let’s get started!

What’s the Deal with the Legacy Builders Program by Michele Oneil?

Legacy Builders Program Review: Join Digital Growth Community? (4)

Alright, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what you’re signing up for and what knowledge bombs you’ll be dropping once you’re in the program. But first, we need to clear up some serious fog around here because it looks like the internet’s playing a game of Chinese whispers.

So, the big scoop on the Legacy Builders Program, along with all its shiny extras, is that you hit the jackpot with master resell rights. Sounds fancy, huh? If you’re scratching your head wondering what on earth that is, sit tight. It means once you snag the Legacy Builders or any of its buddy programs, you’re in the driver’s seat to sell them at the original sticker price and pocket all the cash yourself. 100% of it. Yes, you heard that right.

Now, here’s where it gets spicy. Master resell rights are not your garden-variety resell rights because everyone who buys from you gets to pass on the baton too. They can also sell it and keep all the moolah. It’s like a never-ending cashback loop!

Hold your horses before you cry “MLM!” If you grab the Legacy Builders Program from me, complete with my mind-blowing bonuses, I get my chunk of the pie (a 100% chunk, to be precise), you get your new toy and the rights to sell it, and we call it a day. No strings attached. You won’t be funneling any of your earnings or potential clients to me or even Michele. It’s like running your own show without fattening someone else’s wallet through affiliate hoops or MLM pyramids.

Oh, and there’s a tiny hitch — a one-time admin fee of $29 to get you all set up with the Legacy Builders Program, and then you’re free as a bird.

Now that we’ve got that straight, a little birdie told me you might want to know a bit about yours truly and why I’m betting the farm on this.

Or maybe you’re all geared up to dive in headfirst?

Legacy Builders Program Review: Join Digital Growth Community? (5)

Hey there, welcome to my corner of the internet! I’m Anna, and since 2013, I’ve been all about that online hustle life, diving headfirst into a sea of digital ventures. From the bustling worlds of eCommerce, like Shopify and Amazon, to the creative realms of Print-on-Demand, not to mention dabbling in product creation, running an agency, local services, and dipping my toes in affiliate marketing. This blog was born from a desire to sift through the digital noise and spotlight some of the gems I’ve stumbled upon.

But here’s the scoop: out of the digital smorgasbord I’ve feasted on, there’s one dish I keep going back for seconds — affiliate marketing. If you’re scratching your head, wondering what that’s all about, it’s pretty straightforward. Affiliate marketing is like being a digital salesperson for products or services that aren’t yours, and you earn a sweet commission for every sale made through your referral.

It was a match made in heaven for me. No need to sweat over building a brand, creating and updating products, or handling customer service nightmares. My only task? Share a link through a blog post, social media shoutout, video, or ad. Easy peasy, right?

But, as they say, every rose has its thorns, and affiliate marketing is no exception. There’s a bunch of hiccups that come with the territory:

  • Cookie Crumbles: The whole commission game in affiliate marketing relies on cookies (the internet kind, not the yummy ones). But here’s the catch — cookies can be wiped clean, and with all the new types popping up and stricter tracking rules, snagging that sale isn’t always a sure thing.
  • Mystery Sales: Ever feel like a detective in a mystery novel? That’s me trying to figure out if I actually made a sale. There are times when I’m ghosted by sales I was sure were mine, and other times when sales just vanish into thin air. Since you’re at the mercy of third-party tracking, it’s a gamble.
  • The Waiting Game: Waiting for a payout can feel like watching paint dry. And if I had a nickel for every sale I wasn’t compensated for, well, let’s just say I’d have a hefty piggy bank. Not to mention, sometimes it takes ages to see that cash.
  • Tracking Troubles: In the digital marketing world, keeping tabs on your audience is crucial. But when it comes to affiliate marketing, separating the buyers from the window-shoppers is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
  • Missing Out on Leads: As an affiliate, it often feels like you’re just a middleman, funneling leads directly to the product creators. Those potential goldmines? Not yours to keep, unless you’re crafting some intricate funnel for each product.
  • Control, What Control?: The reality is, as an affiliate, you’re pretty much just along for the ride. Sure, you pick the product, but after that, you’re just hoping for the best.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Not everyone’s going to run into these roadblocks, and heck, some folks might not even realize they’re there. Does this mean I’m breaking up with affiliate marketing? Nope. But I’ve been itching to take the reins a bit more, to steer my digital journey towards something where I can call the shots and really connect with my audience.

That’s where the whole content creation and product creation gig comes into play. With content creation, you either need a legion of followers or some savvy monetization strategies to see the green. Product creation, on the other hand, is a whole different ball game, requiring time, energy, and a dash of creativity.

But here’s the kicker: after 11 years in the game, I feel like I’ve got what it takes to craft something awesome. It’s a goal on the horizon for future Anna, and interestingly enough, Legacy Builders has an entire course dedicated to just that — creating, marketing, and selling your own course. So, who’s ready to dive in with me?

Let’s Get Cracking!

Legacy Builders Program Review: Join Digital Growth Community? (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.